


像l树,红黑树是一个自我平衡的二叉查找树。黑树还解决了二叉查找树在某些情况下会退化为链表的问题。但是红黑树没有l树那么高度均衡,这使得在频繁插入和删除的情况下,红黑树比l树效率更高。但在插入和删除操作较少、搜索频繁的情况下,l树更好。实际上红黑树(linux/rbtree.h)是在linux内核中实现的。linux内核使用红黑树来管理和调度进程。c 标准库的map也是用红黑树实现的,定时器在nginx中也是用红黑树实现的。我们来了解一下这种红黑树,这是很多牛x软件的底层数据结构。














































2).首先安装bst插入方法,插入要插入的节点。不知道bst插入方法的同学可以参考我之前的文章:& gt。

3)调整插入的树(insert fix up ),使其仍然保持红黑树的性质。













如果x的祖父节点z的左孩子是红色的, 那么将z的左孩子和右孩子设为黑色,同时将z设为红色将当前调整节点设为z否则如果当前调整节点x是其父节点p的左孩子,那么将p设为当前调整节点x,并且对x做右旋操作。将x的父节点p设为黑色,祖父节点z设为红色对z进行左旋操作。





















将w左孩子的颜色设为黑色将w设为红色对w执行右旋操作将x父节点的右孩子赋给w如果上面的所有情形都没有发生,那么执行下面case 4:






/*** rbtree header file** rbtree.h ** author: 程序驱动世界** reversion: 1.0** 2021/06/08**/#ifndef __rb_tree_h__#define __rb_tree_h__#ifdef __cplusplus extern "c" {#endif#include #include #include #include #define assert(condition) \do{\ if (condition){\ null;\ }else{\ fflush(stdout);\ fprintf(stderr, "assert failed: %s, line: %u\n", __file__, __line__);\ fflush(stderr);\ abort();\ }\}while(0)#define rb_red 0#define rb_black 1typedef uint32_t keytype;struct _rbtree_iterator{ keytype key;};typedef struct _rbtree_iterator* rbtree_iterator_t;typedef struct rbnode rbnode_t;typedef struct rbtree retree_t;struct rbtree * rbtree_create();void rbtree_preorder_trersal(struct rbtree * tree);void rbtree_inorder_trersal(struct rbtree * tree);void rbtree_postorder_trersal(struct rbtree * tree);void rbtree_print(struct rbtree * tree);int32_t rbtree_exist(struct rbtree * tree, keytype key);rbtree_iterator_t rbtree_insert(struct rbtree * tree, keytype key);int32_t rbtree_delete(struct rbtree * tree, keytype key);void rbtree_destory(struct rbtree * tree);uint32_t rbtree_node_count(struct rbtree * tree);rbtree_iterator_t rbtree_begin(struct rbtree * tree);rbtree_iterator_t rbtree_end(struct rbtree * tree);rbtree_iterator_t rbtree_next(struct rbtree * tree, struct _rbtree_iterator * iter);#ifdef __cplusplus }#endif#endif // __rb_tree_h__/*** rbtree c file** rbtree.c ** author: 程序驱动世界** reversion: 1.0** 2021/06/08**/#include #include #include #include #include "rbtree.h"struct rbnode{ struct rbnode * parent; struct rbnode * lchild; struct rbnode * rchild; uint8_t color; struct _rbtree_iterator rbiter;};struct rbtree{ uint32_t node_count; struct rbnode * root; struct rbnode * nil;};/** * | | * x y * / \ —-> / \ * a y x c * / \ / \ * b c a b**/static void rbtree_left_rotate(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode *x){ struct rbnode * y = x->rchild; // set y to the x right child x->rchild = y->lchild; // set the right child of x to the left child of y y->lchild->parent = x; // set the parent of left child of y to x y->parent = x->parent; // set the parent of y to the parent of x if (!x->parent){ // if the parent of x is null, set the y as tree node tree->root = y; }else if (x == x->parent->lchild){ // if x is the left child of its parent x->parent->lchild = y; // set the left child of x's parent to y }else{ // if x is the right child of its parent x->parent->rchild = y; // set the right child of x's parent to y } y->lchild = x; // set the left child of y to x x->parent = y; // set the parent of x to y}/** * | | * y x * / \ <—- / \ * a x y c * / \ / \ * b c a b **/static void rbtree_right_rotate(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode *x){ struct rbnode * y = x->lchild; // set y to x left child x->lchild = y->rchild; // set the left child of x to the right child of y y->rchild->parent = x; // set the parent of y's right child to x y->parent= x->parent; // set the parent of y to the parent of x if(!x->parent){ // if the parent of x is null, set y as tree bode tree->root = y; }else if(x == x->parent->rchild){ // if x is the right child of its parent x->parent->rchild = y; // set y as the right child of x's parent }else{ // if x is the left child of its parent x->parent->lchild = y; // set the left child of x's parent to y } y->rchild = x; // set the right child of y to x x->parent = y; // set the parent of x to y}static void rbtree_insert_fixup(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * z){ //case 2: the color of the parent of the current node is black if(z->parent->color == rb_black){ return; // do not need to fixup } //case 3: the color of the parent of the current node is red struct rbnode * y = tree->nil; while(z->parent && z->parent->color == rb_red){ if (z->parent == z->parent->parent->lchild){ // node's parent is node's grandparent's left child y = z->parent->parent->rchild; if (y && y->color == rb_red){ //case 3.1 the color of the uncle node of the current node is red z->parent->color = rb_black; // set the color of current node's parent to black y->color = rb_black; // set the uncle's color to black z->parent->parent->color = rb_red; // set the color of grandparent to red z = z->parent->parent; // set the current node to grandparent continue; }else if(z == z->parent->rchild){ //case3.2 the color of the uncle node is black and the current node is the right child of its parent z = z->parent; //set the current node to its parent rbtree_left_rotate(tree, z); // left rotate } z->parent->color = rb_black; //case3.3 the color of the uncle node is black, and the current node is the left child of its parent z->parent->parent->color = rb_red; // set the grandparent's color to red rbtree_right_rotate(tree, z->parent->parent); // right rotate with grandparent as the pivot }else{ y = z->parent->parent->lchild; if (y && y->color == rb_red){ //case 3.1 the color of the uncle node of the current node is red z->parent->color = rb_black; // set the color of current node's parent to black y->color = rb_black; // set the uncle's color to black z->parent->parent->color = rb_red; // set the color of grandparent to red z = z->parent->parent; // set the current node to grandparent continue; }else if(z == z->parent->lchild){ //case3.2 the color of the uncle node is black and the current node is the left child of its parent z = z->parent; //set the current node to its parent rbtree_right_rotate(tree, z); // left rotate } z->parent->color = rb_black; //case3.3 the color of the uncle node is black, and the current node is the left child of its parent z->parent->parent->color = rb_red; // set the grandparent's color to red rbtree_left_rotate(tree, z->parent->parent); // right rotate with grandparent as the pivot } } tree->root->color = rb_black;}static void rbtree_insert_impl(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * z){ assert(tree != null && z !=null); //case 1: the tree node is nil, just set the tree node to node // and marked its color to black. if(tree->root == tree->nil){ tree->root = z; tree->root->color = rb_black; tree->node_count = 1; return; } struct rbnode * x = tree->root; struct rbnode * y = tree->nil; while (x != tree->nil){ y = x; if (z->rbiter.key < x->rbiter.key){ x = x->lchild; }else{ x = x->rchild; } } z->parent = y; if(z->rbiter.key < y->rbiter.key){ y->lchild = z; }else{ y->rchild = z; } z->lchild = tree->nil; z->rchild = tree->nil; z->color = rb_red; rbtree_insert_fixup(tree, z); tree->node_count = 1;}static struct rbnode * rbtree_minimum(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * x){ assert(tree!=null); struct rbnode * node = x; if (!node){ return tree->nil; } while (node->lchild != tree->nil) { node = node->lchild; } return node; }static struct rbnode * rbtree_maximum(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * x){ assert(tree!=null); struct rbnode * node = x; if(!node){ return tree->nil; } while (node->rchild != tree->nil) { node = node->rchild; } return node;}static struct rbnode * rbtree_successor(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * x) { assert(tree != null && x != null); if (x->rchild != tree->nil){ return rbtree_minimum(tree, x->rchild); } struct rbnode * y = x->parent; while (y && y != tree->nil && x == y->rchild) { x = y; y = y ->parent; } if(!y){ return tree->nil; } return y;}static struct rbnode * rbtree_predecessor(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * x){ assert(tree != null && x != null); if(x->lchild != tree->nil){ return rbtree_maximum(tree, x->lchild); } struct rbnode * y = x->parent; while(y && y != tree->nil && x == y->rchild){ x = y; y = y->parent; } if(!y){ return tree->nil; } return y;}static void rbtree_delete_fixup(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * x){ struct rbnode * w = tree->nil; while (x != tree->root && x->color == rb_black){ // x's color is black and x is not the root of the tree if (x == x->parent->lchild){ w = x->parent->rchild; // if x is the left child of its parent, set the w as x's sibling child if (w->color == rb_red){ // case 1: x's sibling color is red, so x'sparent and w's childs are all black w->color = rb_black; // 1), set x's sibling node to black x->parent->color = rb_red; // 2), set x's parent color to red rbtree_left_rotate(tree, x->parent); // 3), do the left rotation with x's parent as pivot w = x->parent->rchild; // 4), reset the x's sibling node after the rotation }else if(w->lchild->color == rb_black && w->rchild->color == rb_black){ // case 2: x's sibling color is black, and the children of x's sibling are all black w->color = rb_red; // 1), set the sibling node color to red x = x->parent; // 2), set the x equal to its parent }else { if(w->rchild->color == rb_black){ // case 3: x's sibling color is black, and the right child of w is black while its left child is red w->lchild->color = rb_black; // 1), set the left child of w to black w->color = rb_red; // 2), set the w's colot to red rbtree_right_rotate(tree, w); // 3), do the rotation with w as pivot w = x->parent->rchild; // 4), reset the sibling node after rotation } w->color = x->parent->color; // case 4: x's sibling color is black, the right child of w is red, 1), set the parent color to w x->parent->color = rb_black; // 2), set x'parent color to black w->rchild->color = rb_black; // 3), set the color of right child of sibling node to black rbtree_left_rotate(tree, x->parent); // 4), do the rotation with x'parent as pivot x = tree->root; // 5), set x as root node of the tree } }else{ w = x->parent->lchild; // if x is the right child of its parent, set the w as x's sibling child if (w->color == rb_red){ // case 1: x's sibling color is red, so x'sparent and w's childs are all black w->color = rb_black; // 1), set x's sibling node to black x->parent->color = rb_red; // 2), set x's parent color to red rbtree_right_rotate(tree, x->parent); // 3), do the right rotation with x's parent as pivot w = x->parent->lchild; // 4), reset the x's sibling node after the rotation }else if(w->rchild->color == rb_black && w->lchild->color == rb_black){ // case 2: x's sibling color is black, and the children of x's sibling are all black w->color = rb_red; // 1), set the sibling node color to red x = x->parent; // 2), set the x equal to its parent }else { // case 3: x's sibling color is black, and the left child of w is black while its right child is red if(w->lchild->color == rb_black){ w->rchild->color = rb_black; // 1), set the right child of w to black w->color = rb_red; // 2), set the w's colot to red rbtree_left_rotate(tree, w); // 3), do the rotation with w as pivot w = x->parent->lchild; // 4), reset the sibling node after rotation } w->color = x->parent->color; // case 4: x's sibling color is black, the left child of w is red, 1), set the parent color to w x->parent->color = rb_black; // 2), set x'parent color to black w->lchild->color = rb_black; // 3), set the color of left child of sibling node to black rbtree_right_rotate(tree, x->parent); // 4), do the rotation with x'parent as pivot x = tree->root; // 5), set x as root node of the tree } } } x->color = rb_black; // set the color of x to black }static struct rbnode * rbtree_delete_impl(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * z){ assert(tree != null && z !=null); struct rbnode * y = tree->nil; struct rbnode * x = tree->nil; if(z->lchild == tree->nil && z->rchild == tree->nil){ // the left and right child of the z is nil, leaf node y = z; // set y to z }else{ y = rbtree_successor(tree, z); // set y to the z's successor node } if (y->lchild != tree->nil){ // if the left child of y is not nil then set x equal to y's left child x = y->lchild; }else{ x = y->rchild; // otherwise set the right child of y to x } x->parent = y->parent; // set the parent of y to the parent of x if (y->parent == null){ // the parent of y is null, so set x as tree node tree->root = x; }else if (y == y->parent->lchild){ // if y is its parent's left child, set x as the left child of y's parent y->parent->lchild = x; }else{ y->parent->rchild = x; // set x as the right child of y's parent } if (y != z){ // if y is not equal to z z->rbiter.key = y->rbiter.key; // copy the key of y to the key of z, here we won't change the color } if (y->color == rb_black){ rbtree_delete_fixup(tree, x); // if the color of y is black, then need to fixup x } tree->node_count -= 1; return y;}static void rbtree_preorder_trersal_impl(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * node){ assert(node != null); if (node != tree->nil){ printf("%ld ", node->rbiter.key); rbtree_preorder_trersal_impl(tree, node->lchild); rbtree_preorder_trersal_impl(tree, node->rchild); } }static void rbtree_inorder_trersal_impl(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * node){ assert(node != null); if (node != tree->nil){ rbtree_inorder_trersal_impl(tree, node->lchild); printf("%ld ", node->rbiter.key); rbtree_inorder_trersal_impl(tree, node->rchild); }}static void rbtree_postorder_trersal_impl(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * node){ assert(tree!=null && node != null); if (node != tree->nil){ rbtree_postorder_trersal_impl(tree, node->lchild); rbtree_postorder_trersal_impl(tree, node->rchild); printf("%ld ", node->rbiter.key); }}#define space_count 10static void rbtree_print_impl(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * node, int space){ if (tree == null) { return; } space = space_count; if (node == tree->nil) { for (int i = space_count; i < space; i ) { printf(" "); } printf("%s:%s\n", "nil", "black"); return; } rbtree_print_impl(tree, node->rchild, space); printf("\n"); for (int i = space_count; i < space; i ) { printf(" "); } printf("%ld:%s\n", node->rbiter.key, node->color == rb_red ? "red" : "black"); rbtree_print_impl(tree, node->lchild, space);}static struct rbnode * rbtree_search(struct rbtree *tree, keytype key){ struct rbnode * node = tree->root; while(node != tree->nil && node->rbiter.key != key){ if (key < node->rbiter.key){ node = node->lchild; }else{ node = node->rchild; } } return node;}static struct rbnode * rbtree_create_node(struct rbtree * tree, keytype key){ struct rbnode * node = (struct rbnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct rbnode)); if(!node){ return tree->nil; } node->rbiter.key = key; node->lchild = tree->nil; node->rchild = tree->nil; node->parent = null; node->color = rb_black; return node;}static void rbtree_destroy_impl(struct rbtree * tree, struct rbnode * node){ if (node == tree->nil){ return; } if (node->lchild != tree->nil){ rbtree_destroy_impl(tree, node->lchild); } if (node->rchild != tree->nil){ rbtree_destroy_impl(tree, node->rchild); } free(node);}struct rbtree * rbtree_create(){ struct rbtree * tree = (struct rbtree * )malloc(sizeof(struct rbtree)); assert(tree != null); tree->nil = (struct rbnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct rbnode)); assert(tree->nil != null); tree->nil->lchild = null; tree->nil->rchild = null; tree->nil->parent = null; tree->nil->color = rb_black; tree->root = tree->nil; tree->node_count = 0; return tree;}void rbtree_preorder_trersal(struct rbtree * tree){ rbtree_preorder_trersal_impl(tree, tree->root);}void rbtree_inorder_trersal(struct rbtree * tree){ rbtree_inorder_trersal_impl(tree, tree->root);}void rbtree_postorder_trersal(struct rbtree * tree){ rbtree_postorder_trersal_impl(tree, tree->root);}void rbtree_print(struct rbtree *tree){ assert(tree!=null); rbtree_print_impl(tree, tree->root, 0);}int32_t rbtree_exist(struct rbtree * tree, keytype key){ assert(tree != null); if (tree->root != tree->nil){ return rbtree_search(tree, key) ? 0 : -1; } return -1;}rbtree_iterator_t rbtree_insert(struct rbtree * tree, keytype key){ assert(tree != null); struct rbnode * fnode = rbtree_search(tree, key); if(rbtree_search(tree, key) != tree->nil){ // key already exist. return &fnode->rbiter; } struct rbnode * node = rbtree_create_node(tree, key); if (node != tree->nil){ rbtree_insert_impl(tree, node); return &node->rbiter; } return 0; // error occurred}int32_t rbtree_delete(struct rbtree * tree, keytype key){ assert(tree != null); struct rbnode * node = rbtree_search(tree, key); if( node == tree->nil){ return -1; // does not exist } node = rbtree_delete_impl(tree, node); free(node); return 0;}void rbtree_destory(struct rbtree * tree){ assert(tree != null); struct rbnode *node = tree->root; rbtree_destroy_impl(tree, tree->root); free(tree->nil); free(tree);}uint32_t rbtree_node_count(struct rbtree * tree){ assert(tree != null); return tree->node_count;}rbtree_iterator_t rbtree_begin(struct rbtree * tree){ assert(tree != null); struct rbnode * node = rbtree_minimum(tree, tree->root); if (node == tree->nil){ return null; } return &node->rbiter;}rbtree_iterator_t rbtree_end(struct rbtree * tree){ return null;}rbtree_iterator_t rbtree_next(struct rbtree * tree, struct _rbtree_iterator * iter){ assert(tree !=null); if (!iter){ return null; } struct rbnode * x = (struct rbnode *)(((char *)iter) – ((size_t)&(((struct rbnode *)0)->rbiter))); struct rbnode * node = rbtree_successor(tree, x); if (node == tree->nil){ return null; } return &node->rbiter;}

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